Human beings are fascinating creatures! We have an amazing ability to heal (mentally and physically)

Every cell in our body is innate intelligent with a built-in system that repairs and heals our body.

Did you know for example that you have around 1.6 trillion skin cells?

Did you also know that you lose 1 million every 24 hours?

Our skin constantly replaces and renews itself!

You are a bundle of cells, all working in perfect harmony, trying to heal you 24 hours a day. Never going on holiday, never going to sleep, always looking out for you. Can you say the same looking after your body?

Have you ever thought about your body in that way? I am sure most of you did not. And how would you, you don’t know what you don’t know.

There is so much more going on in your body, a constant support.

Every pain in your body is a scream for help.

Every swelling is a way to protect your joints from to much movement.

Every fever is a reaction of your body doing it’s thing, HEALING!


We are conditioned to think that the answers to our health and well-being are external.

That people, circumstances and events are responsible for the way we experience life;


My work is making me really stressed!

I am unhappy because I don’t have a partner!

If I have a partner I will be happy!

When I drink that glass of wine I will feel better!

When I go on my next holiday the world will be ok again!


We go to the Doctor to give us a name for our discomfort and pass on to him/her full responsibility over the body we live in.


When we have the education of how to best support, this amazing body we live in and we most of all understand ourselves and our relationship to food and eating, we open the possibility to invite healthier choices into our lives.


All your answers are within! When we learn to listen.


I invite you to sit still for a moment.

Listen, what can you ear around you?

Can you hear the birds in the trees, the car driving past or maybe yourself breathing or your own heartbeat?

What can you hear when your mind gets quiet?

Not listening to what someone else is saying or what you where reading and is working for someone else.


But listen within!


What is it that YOU need in this given moment.

Don’t question it, don’t revaluate, or judge it in any form.


What was first entering your mind?


Listening to that…… you have all the answers!


Take time for yourself.

Stop reading,

turn of the tv,

take your headphones out,

open your eyes,

open your mind,

open your heart.


Get completely caught up in life!

Put the blanked over your head,

binge watch,

eat chocolate,

drink a nice wine,

read till late in the night!


DON’T LISTEN to everyone else,


But LISTEN to what YOU need ENJOY & EMBRACE and most of all



Paola Royal

077153 10920

Did you see my new book is out; “The Inner Game Of Food And Diet – Taking The Struggle Out Of Weight Loss”

Get your copy today and let me know what you think!



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Are you waiting for the Universe to deliver your man?

I must admit I get quite irritated when I hear the phrase,

If it’s meant to be, it will be”.

Or as they say here in Scotland:

What’s for you won’t go by you”.

Sounds great doesn’t it? It takes responsibility out of our hands so we can blame the “Universe” if things don’t go exactly the way we want. It’s also total bullsh*t.

The reality is that if you don’t take the course of your life into your own hands, if you don’t take action, then plenty of stuff will indeed “go by you”.

You know this is true. Unless, that is, you have a philosophical aversion to the idea that humans have free will. Or you believe in magic.

But if you’re living in the real world, you’ll know that to achieve your goals you need to make some effort. And that goes for meeting a good man, just like any other of your ambitions.

You need to make opportunities!

I know this.

After years of not ending up with a good guy, I decided to change things. I decided to develop a scientific strategy around the way I looked for men. And part of that meant being more proactive.

So then one evening a friend of mine (let’s call her Kate) asked me to go with her to a singles night in a pub in Edinburgh. I have to say, it didn’t really appeal. It was a cold, wet, January night. I was busy and tired. I didn’t like the sound of it – kinda outside my comfort zone. But, I was following my “new way” to find men.

I looked in the mirror and said,

“You’ve got to give yourself opportunities Mairi”

I literally said that to myself. Yeah I know – weirdo.

Anyway, I donned a nice outfit, took a few deep breaths, and off we went into town. I didn’t know it at that point, but this evening, that decision, would change my entire life.

That’s because it was in this pub that I met the man who is now my husband. The love of my life. It could have so easily not happened.

Just turning up for the singles night wasn’t enough though. There was more action I had to take.

When Kate and I arrived in the pub we went over to the bar to claim our complementary glass of fizzy stuff and turned to survey the scene. Dotted around the place were single guys, each at a table of their own like a bunch of lekking birds, staking out their own little territories. How on earth were we supposed to make contact with any of them?

I spotted Rob (now my husband) at one of the tables nearest the bar. I thought he looked nice – worth talking to. But I must admit I didn’t fancy just marching up and introducing myself. Eventually a group of other women came in and stood on the opposite side of his table, and so I went over and started chatting with them, and then found a way to side-step round the table to start a conversation with Rob. Isn’t it mad, the social manoeuvring we feel we have to perform!

Anyway, the point is, if you don’t make this sort of effort – often good things just don’t happen. Yes, you might get approached by men, but often they’re not the kinds of men you want to get to know. The good guys often hang back because they’re maybe not so confident; they care what people think, they’re more respectful.

So that means you need to be more approachable to the decent men – give them a bit of encouragement!

  • Get off your phone and make eye contact – a lot
  • Stand or sit somewhere near him, with an open body posture
  • Smile at him

And if he doesn’t approach you there’s nothing stopping you from making a move – it’s the 21st century after all.

Just the other day I was thinking back to that fateful singles night and I wondered if my husband would have made a move if I hadn’t. He’d previously told me he spotted me come into the pub and liked what he saw.

So I asked him,

“If I hadn’t come to speak to you, would you have approached me?”

He thought about it for a moment.

“Actually… maybe not”, was his answer.


It’s scary how easily I could have missed the opportunity to meet the man I’m now so happy with.

So the question is, what might you be missing by not taking action? How can you increase your opportunities to meet good men?

The take-home message here is:

Don’t wait for the universe to find your man for you. Take control of your own destiny and make your own luck!

Go girl J


How Mairi can help you…

  • Sign up for the Free Masterclass “Getting Ready for Successful Dating – for Women Over 50” – happening at 7pm on April 4th
    Click HERE for more information and registration, and get the tools you need to be ready to date successfully!
  • 30 min Complementary Call with Mairi
    Let’s have a chat about your dating challenges, we can talk about ways I can help you and I’ll give you some immediate personalised advice you can put into practice right away.
    Book a time that suits you HERE
  • Join the Dating Evolved community!
    Join the conversation in our private Dating Evolved Facebook Group you’ll become part of a community of mutually supportive women sharing the dating journey. You’ll find plenty of advice articles, discussions, videos, and invitations to calls and events.
  • Group Study & Support Program
    This transformative program takes you through the Dating Evolved course “How to Find Your Man” along with a small group of like-minded women. You’ll build your confidence, develop a science-based strategy for finding a quality man, and enjoy support, accountability and camaraderie with me and your very own wing-women!
    The next program cohorts begin in April 2022.
    Click HERE for more information and booking, and use your PiSociety discount code to get £100 off!


Please click here to check out our membership page for further details.

Among the most common types of questions I get asked by women over 50 looking to find a man are –

“Am I too independent to attract a man?”

“Are qualities like independence, strength, intelligence a turn-off for men?”

It’s a pretty frustrating thought – you’ve spent your entire adulthood striving to be the best you can be, you’ve had success in your professional life, and you’re great at dealing with the issues life throws at you and looking after yourself.

A man with these qualities would be a great catch, right?

So why then does it seem as if the same things could disqualify we women from finding a relationship?

Well the truth is, the characteristics that make men attractive are not the same as those that give a woman high mate-value.  And women with fierce independence and intelligence will indeed scare a lot of men off.

But the thing is, these men are unlikely to be the ones you want anyway!

Men obviously vary in the qualities they value in a partner and although there are guys that are intimidated by strong independent women there certainly are those that value these attributes highly. Clearly men of the latter variety are those who would make a good partner for you.

Why would you want a man who’s scared of your independence and capability?

The take-home message? You shouldn’t try to pretend you’re something you’re not to be more attractive for men, since you’ll attract the type of men who are into something you’re not…

Another thing to bear in mind is that men tend to look for different qualities depending on whether they’re in the market for casual sex or a long-term partner.

Guys who are just looking for some uncommitted sex or a quick fling are the ones who are more likely to be looking for someone who’s easy to push around or manipulate.

Men who are more interested in a proper relationship – they’ll be looking for a quality woman who’s intelligent and capable. Some men even change from one strategy to another. Just think of George Clooney who ditched the supermodels and went for a supremely intelligent human rights lawyer when it came to getting married.

So yes, if you’re a strong, independent woman – don’t be afraid to show it.

That said…

Just because you’re used to being strong and capable and assertive at work, it’s probably not a good idea to bring that with you when you’re out on a date – especially in the early stages of getting to know someone.

After all, a lot of men have fairly fragile egos compared with women. This is because men’s behaviour has evolved to optimise status among their male peers and their egos help push them to pursue that status. In the context of a date, you don’t want to be part of that status competition!

You don’t have to be strong and independent ALL the time. Accept a little help from time to time, perhaps show your more playful side – you might enjoy it J

Just like us, men need to feel needed, to feel appreciated for what they bring. So you don’t have to go in with all guns blazing. It won’t harm your feminist credentials to have fun in a man’s company and accept a little help when you could do with it. Let him show some investment in you.

Show your appreciation for what he gets right. Compliment him on his choice of venue. There’s nothing wrong with letting him pay the bill – you can reciprocate next time if you like.

But at the same time, you can demonstrate your intelligence, your practicality, your awesomeness – and expect appreciation for that (if you don’t get appreciation for that – move on).

Show who you really are, and the RIGHT guy will love you for it.


How Mairi can help you…

  • Sign up for the Free Masterclass “Getting Ready for Successful Dating – for Women Over 50” – happening at 7pm on April 4th.  Click HERE for more information and registration, and get the tools you need to be ready to date successfully!
  • 30 min Complementary Call with Mairi
    Let’s have a chat about your dating challenges, we can talk about ways I can help you and I’ll give you some immediate personalised advice you can put into practice right away.   Book a time that suits you HERE
  • Join the Dating Evolved community!
    Join the conversation in our private Dating Evolved Facebook Group you’ll become part of a community of mutually supportive women sharing the dating journey. You’ll find plenty of advice articles, discussions, videos, and invitations to calls and events.
  • Group Study & Support Program
    This transformative program takes you through the Dating Evolved course “How to Find Your Man” along with a small group of like-minded women. You’ll build your confidence, develop a science-based strategy for finding a quality man, and enjoy support, accountability and camaraderie with me and your very own wing-women!
    The next program cohorts begin in April 2022.
    Click HERE for more information and booking, and use your Pi Society discount code to get £100 off!

Please click here to check out our membership page for further details.